Neue Kultur

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Neo-Expressionist Musick for the New Beginning.

Our aim is to bring you in a psycho-space where you could find your true essence, away from the deep-illusion of “reality”.
We try to connect, through our music, listeners with something already inside every man/woman but veiled by confusion and apathy.
We think music as a possibility of magic realization and anyway as a chance to go inside the deepest of human-being.
We don't have just interest in music and related activities, we're open to friendly people to work together for new possibilities of culture.
For us, artists are as magicians, continually making new forms, new points of view.
The artist of the new aeon is a celestial intelligence, constantly inside the deepest of universe, giving moments of freedom and illumination to people around.
We're here to change.

Gabriel LuisB.
Neue Kultur