m@ngrove le hibou

M@nGrOvE Le Hibou

Main solo project of the musician / composer / arranger of IDORU and of NUIT CLOSE, Le Hibou, M@nGrOvE is a deep, intimate and dark work which dives in the depths of his soul.

Le Hibou delivers here a very personal, introspective, intelligent, determinedly modern and sometimes distur work, where it composes, arranges and plays absolutely all the instruments and the machines provided him with.

Various influences motivate this approach: wildlife, South America, forgotten civilizations, Mayas in Guatemala and Mexico, Nascas in Peru... He gives us here an occidental point of view and a very personnal approach born in his mind stimulated by all these influences.

Le Hibou is a great admirer of classical guitar, he's studied classical guitar during 9 years, working on masterpieces from Villa-Lobos, Leo Brouwer, Tarrega, and of Albeniz…
Add to it the poetry of Pablo Néruda, Miguel Angel Asturias and Che Guevara, who profoundly touched him to the deepest and the profound pain regarding the cruelty with which Gaïa, our Mother in all, is badly wounded and you will have a coherent first idea of what is the work of Hibou.

Two albums were born: the first one, « Le Temple Vert [Nocturne] » (Green Temple) and the second one « A l'Aube des Ruines [Diurne] » (Dawn in Ruins).

Welcome in the jungle!


  • « Le Temple Vert [Nocturne] » published by the label Alampo in December, 2008.
  • « Erotic Morgue » compilation published by the label Alampo in March, 2008.